ORB Member Sarah Browning is founder of communications consultancy Browning York and Time for Kindness. She is now building a community of voluntary Kindness Ambassadors who share a vision of a world where kindness is noticed. And where it is openly and frequently talked about. Sarah regularly writes and speaks about kindness and the power it has to connect us. She also runs workshops to teach people tips and techniques for seeing kindness. It comes more naturally to some than others and can be particularly tough to do on dark days. If you’d like to book Sarah to speak at your event or run a workshop for you, get in touch with her via the Time for Kindness website.
A scavenger hunt teaching us to 'see kindness'
Horrors are happening around the world, near and far from home. I, like many others, mourn the loss of all innocent lives in conflict. I’m deeply concerned about the divisions that arise and want to focus on the shared humanity that binds us all.
I have always said that Time for Kindness is not about ignoring the bad things that happen. It’s about saying that the bad things are not the only story and that we need to rebalance our focus so that we also recognise and talk about the kindness that exists in the world. It’s a great way to remind ourselves about the human connections that we share. Running Time for Kindness is my way of finding something I can do in the face of what sometimes seems like insurmountable division and hatred.
Can you spot small acts of kindness around you?
So running up to World Kindness Day on 13th November, I’m challenging people to notice and talk about as many acts of kindness as possible. When we see kind, we feel better. And right now we all need that hope
Between 8th October and World Kindness Day on 13th November we’re challenging you to notice 50 acts of kindness. To take part all you need to do is:
1) Sign up to become a kindness ambassador on our website – we’ll even send you a list of 50 ideas for kindness so you have things to look out for.
2) Keep a look out for kind acts happening and notice them.
3) Post about each kind act on social media and tag us. The person who spots the most kind acts will get a prize so make sure you tag us so we can keep track of who’s winning.
Ready? Set? Go sign up to get ready.
Sarah Browning
Sarah’s mission is all about inspiring and delivering human connection. She strives to drive hope and positivity by highlighting kindness that already exists in the world. She is the founder two ventures:
• The Time for Kindness programme inspires and teaches people to notice and value kindness
• Sarah works with organisations and businesses that have a vision of a kind world to be more effective in their communications