Rates, Reasons & Terms


ORB membership rates are extremely reasonable and as you’ll see, there are plentiful reasons to join us. We do not want to prohibit any business from becoming an ORB member if they meet the terms and there is a genuine desire to be part of the movement for a better way of doing business. The number of employees in the table opposite relates to full-time employees. Part-time employees should be counted pro-rata.

When applying for membership, you’ll also be able to choose an annual discounted rate (12 months for the price of 10).

We do not charge a joining fee.

We only accept payments in pound sterling, or Euros for our Irish members, payable by GoCardless direct debit.

An appropriate GoCardless direct debit must be in place throughout your membership.

VAT is not applicable.

A table displaying ORB member rates

Reasons to join and member benefits

We choose members who will clearly contribute to our purpose. There are plenty of great business reasons to join ORB, but more importantly, membership is about being part of a movement that’s driving real change. We hope you’ll see the value not just in the benefits, but in contributing to a community that believes in the power of responsible business.

If there was ever a time to get off the fence and proclaim your values, it’s now! The demands of customers (consumers, private & public sector) are changing. The message is clear. Only businesses that embrace social and environmental considerations will thrive in the coming decades. Being a member of ORB is an excellent way of showing that commitment and becoming a supplier of choice.

The ORB Responsible Business Member logoShowcase your commitment to responsible business.

An official ORB membership certificateDisplay your dedication to ethical business practices.

A featured listing in our Responsible Business DirectoryHelp customers and partners find and trust you.

Ongoing promotionBe highlighted across our social media, newsletters, and internal networks.

Opportunities to publish articles and share success storiesAmplify your vision and gain a voice in the movement.

50% discount on our 6-week Facilitated Responsible Business CourseEmbed meaningful social impact into your business with expert-led sessions.

Exclusive member discountsAccess ad hoc savings on select services and events.

A complimentary Kindle copy of It Really Is Just Good BusinessOur CEO’s foundational guide to responsible business.

Example directory page

Prime your profile

We ask our members to complete all sections of their profile page in our Members’ Directory — it’s an important part of being part of the ORB community. You might be wondering why this is a requirement. Simply put, being part of ORB means showcasing what responsible business looks like in action. Your profile showcases your commitment, helps us promote you effectively and ensures you’re visible to like-minded businesses and potential customers. With 1,000+ unique visitors each week, it’s worth it!

Your business won’t appear in the directory until your page is complete, and since new members are featured on our homepage, it’s worth doing sooner rather than later. Otherwise, newer businesses will take that spot! It’s a quick task (around 10 minutes if you blast through) but we recommend setting aside 30 minutes to make the most of it. We’ll also add an SEO-friendly heading to help boost visibility. If you have any questions or need a hand writing, we’re happy to help.

Using your ORB logo

Use Your ORB Logo! We also encourage you to display your ORB member logo on your website and email signature. While it’s not a requirement (we understand there may be technical limitations) it’s a key benefit of membership and a great way to showcase your commitment to responsible business.

Members can access a selection of ORB logos in different formats when logged in. The HTML code version is recommended for websites, as it automatically updates the date each year!

Undated logos are also available on request for use on stationery, packaging, or vehicles, subject to a signed Use of Logo Agreement.



Member of the Organisation for Responsible Businesses

Terms and conditions of membership

These Terms and Conditions of Membership are issued by the National Organisation for Responsible Micro, Small and Medium-sized Businesses, trading as Organisation for Responsible Businesses, company number 14248089, registered in England, registered address 84 Wimborne Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS2 4JR.

1. Users must provide true, accurate, current and complete information relating to key business details and any other information requested when applying for membership and, if accepted as a member, completing directory entries and communicating with ORB in any other way whatsoever.

2. All members must take and pass the ORB Questionnaire.
3. Taking and passing the Questionnaire does not infer any rights. All businesses must also make “The Pledge”; have an interview, normally online, with a senior member of ORB staff if the company is not already personally known to the team; and make the agreed payment before being granted any rights of membership, including but not limited to the use of the ORB logos.
4. ORB reserves the right to refuse any application for Membership. All refusals will be considered by the directors and their decision will be final. Providing the applicant has not made any false statements, membership fees paid in advance will be refunded.
5. Completing all areas of the Member’s Profile Page within two months of becoming a member is a condition of membership. Members details may not be displayed in the directory until their profile page is completed in full.
6. Members’ content on any ORB Websites, either posted by the Member`s registered user or provided to ORB specifically for posting on the Websites, remains the Member`s property, but by providing such content the Member grants ORB a non-exclusive, royalty-free license and sub-license to use the content in any media throughout the world without restriction.
7. Membership content posted or provided for inclusion on the Websites, including but not limited to directory entries and case studies, will be published at our sole discretion and we are entitled to edit, make additions, deletions, or refuse any entries.
8. Members breaching the terms of membership and / or acting in a manner that is likely to bring ORB into disrepute may have their Membership revoked with immediate effect without any refund of membership payments. The directors` decision will be final.
9. Any Member bringing ORB into disrepute shall indemnify ORB for any loss or damage suffered.
10. Prospective members completing their membership application online are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions.
11. Members may cancel their membership within seven days of their first payment and receive a full refund of any membership fees paid. Members are responsible for cancelling their GoCardless recurring payments.
12. Subject to clauses 1 to 10, membership is for a minimum of twelve months. One months’ notice of cancellation is required thereafter. Members are responsible for cancelling their GoCardless recurring payments.
13. Cancellation requests should be made to info@orbuk.org
14. Only fully paid-up bona fide Members will be included in The Responsible Business Directory.
15. Any Member in arrears or otherwise breaching any terms of membership may have the directory entry removed immediately. (However, if you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact us so we can work with you.)
16. All directory entries are subject to the terms of Membership.
17. The ORB Responsible Business Member logo should only be used during the membership period. If membership is cancelled for any reason whatsoever, logos should be removed from websites and email signatures within two months of cancellation of membership.
18. Notwithstanding clause 17, an extended mutually agreed period will be allowed for logos to be removed from stationery, packaging and/or vehicles
19. Information provided by the Questionnaire may be collated and used anonymously for statistical purposes.
20. Copying, reproduction or any other use of the ORB Questionnaire is strictly prohibited without express permission from ORB.

21. All members of ORB are legal members of the company and as such have a legal liability to £1, being the amount that each member undertakes to contribute to the assets of The Organisation in the event of it being wound up while a current member or within one year after membership has ceased for:

(a) payment of The Organisation’s debts and liabilities contracted before he ceases to be a member,

(b) payment of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and

(c) adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves.

View the full Articles of Association for more information





Euro membership rates for Irish members

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