6th February, London
British Prime Minister, Theresa May, addressed dignitaries at The World Economic Forum at Davos in January stating, “companies simply cannot stand by while their platforms are used to facilitate child abuse, modern slavery or the spreading of terrorist and extremist content”. Speaking on wider issues of economic importance, the PM highlights corporate social responsibility amongst issues at the forefront for businesses worldwide.
Care International and King’s College London amongst others commended The Modern Slavery Act (2015), in structuring a framework for companies to evaluate risk within supply chains and tackle problems. However, NGO Anti-Slavery International recently said, “the act doesn’t legally guarantee the kind of support the victims receive. The result is that the care victims receive is inconsistent.”
According to the proposer of The Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill — Lord McColl; the legislation attempts to bridge the gap in the current Act. However, having entered parliamentary discussions last year it has since lacked Government support. Given the British PM’s Davos comments and attempts by Lord McColl to improve modern slavery legislation; companies must start to critically analyse their own practices in order to facilitate change throughout the supply chain.
In order to assist companies continue the conversation on the pressing issue of modern slavery, Front Group Ltd have introduced the Third Modern Slavery and Human Rights in Supply Chain Conference taking place on 19-20 April in Central London, of which The Organisation for Responsible Business (ORB) is a media partner. Over 150 delegates from more than 15 industries are expected to be in attendance.
Representatives from BBC Worldwide, M&S, Philips, Debenhams, AngloAmerican, Engie and Co-op will be speaking at the event. Past attendees included EY, JLL, KPMG and Virgin Atlantic. Industries associated with this conference comprises of FMCG, utilities, extractives, media, retail, electronics and pharmaceutical sectors.
Dmitry Elizarov believes that May’s statement of intent to world influencers tied together with businesses political influence creates the environment to host progressive conversations beneficial to solving issues of modern slavery in supply chains. The Front Group Ltd Director expands further — “we want to facilitate a forum where businesses can discuss progress and practical solutions with regards to the greatest tests within this field.”
Further details of the conference, speakers and the agenda can be found here: https://front-group.co.uk/modernslavery/
For additional questions regarding attending, speaking or sponsorship; please contact Dmitry Elizarov (dmitry@front-group.co.uk) or on +44 203 397 6587