by Brigit | Dec 16, 2021 | Community, Environment, Ethics, General, Marketplace, Workplace
Taking the Responsible Business Standard (RBS) online course was the first thing I did as a new employee at Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB). Here are some of my thoughts on how it fits into ORB’s philosophy that there is a better way of doing business....
by Editorial | Apr 28, 2015 | Community, Environment, Ethics, General, Marketplace, Workplace
I can’t believe that my time at ORB is nearly at an end! It has gone incredibly quickly but in that short time I don’t think I could have learnt a lot more than I have. From being well and truly thrown in the deep end I pretty quickly learnt how to network,...
by Editorial | Feb 17, 2015 | Community, Ethics, General, Workplace
There so many benefits to be had for any business by engaging with the local community –but as with any business strategy it should be done correctly to maximise the benefits! Lacey Thayers CIC is a firm of consultants that we work very closely with. They are...
by Jill Poet | Jan 12, 2015 | Community, Ethics, General, Marketplace, Workplace
Oh dear. Editor-in-chief Jeremy O’Grady normally delivers words of wisdom in his weekly musings in The Week – a weekly paper /magazine providing an unbiased summary of the week’s news. But this time he’s got it horribly wrong. Entrepreneurs across the country...
by Jill Poet | May 23, 2012 | Community, Environment, Ethics, General, Marketplace, Workplace
Adding Social Value – an opportunity for small businesses and community organisations. One of my friends is a senior procurement officer with a local council. I asked her recently how her department were implementing the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 in...