ORB is delighted to welcome Wellity as a new member, particularly as the company has such a strong focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR.) But although Wellity is new to us in terms of membership, ORB has enjoyed a close working relationship with COO and Co-Founder Sadie Restorick (nee Hopson) for over a decade. Sadie is recognised internationally as an expert on wellbeing in the workplace and the two companies she had grown over 10 years were both members of ORB. Additionally, Sadie was also one of the first trained and certified auditors for the Responsible Business Standard and she represents Wellity on ORB’s Advisory Board.

In early 2020, Sadie met Simon Scott-Nelson. The two workplace wellbeing specialists quickly realised that the purpose, values, and passion of their respective businesses were totally aligned which resulted in the formation of Wellity, a collaborative partnership with a vision of creating healthy workplaces across the globe. As part of that vision, the duo has also launched the Great British Workplace Wellbeing Awards and will, in due course, launch the awards in other countries.
Unquestionably, Corporate Social Responsibility should begin in the workplace and the work Wellity is doing is of tremendous importance. But what does CSR mean to Wellity not just in terms of their mission to improve wellbeing in the workplace, but as an integral part of their own operations?
In Wellity’s own words:

How do we define Corporate Social Responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulated business model practiced by organisations and companies. The concept is to make businesses accountable socially for their actions to everyone including themselves. By putting CSR strategies into place, the company is accepting responsibility for their impact on society economically, socially, and environmentally.
What does CSR mean to Wellity?
Wellity’s main focus is to improve workplace wellbeing and transforming working cultures. In accepting responsibility for important social and environmental issues, organisations are able to give back to the community and develop a more conscientious and caring culture at work. In addition, CSR allows organisations to exercise the 5 pillars of wellbeing:
- Connecting with people
- Being physically active
- Learning new skills
- Giving to others
- Paying attention to the present moment

Why is CSR important to Wellity?
As a corporate partner of the Organisation for Responsible Businesses, Wellity fully understands and supports the organisation’s stated mission to change the world one small business at a time by highlighting the profitability and sustainability of ethical and responsible businesses. Wellity recognises the importance of giving back to society and improving our environmental footprint to make the world a healthier and happier place.
Wellity also recognises the benefits of CSR:
Employee wellbeing NCVO conducted a study in 2019 whereby they found 77% of people who took part in some form of volunteering felt their mental health and wellbeing had improved, and 77% also stated that it had improved their physical health. 1 In particular, organisations who align their CSR initiatives with their employee wellness goals are more likely to see positive results, improving their employees’ wellbeing and engagement. 2
Employee Engagement Organisations who understand the importance and value of business ethics and CSR are more likely to have a more engaged, productive, and dynamic workforce. 3 In fact, 51% of employees will not work for an organisation if they don’t have a strong commitment to social and environmental issues. 4
Productivity In 2015, The Lewis Institute for Social Innovation at Babson College found that businesses with a commitment to CSR expected to see productivity increases by 13% and turnover reductions by up to 50%. 5
Customer Engagement In 2017, Cone Communications surveyed over 1000 Americans to understand customer’s responses to companies who supported social or environmental issues. They found that 87% of the customers had a more positive image of the company who supported these issues, and 88% of customers said they would be more loyal to these companies. 6

How Wellity embraces CSR initiatives to address issues of social and environmental importance
- Supporting charities – organising fundraising events
- Using local suppliers “Shop Local”
- Using environmentally friendly materials or products
- Demonstrate ethical business practices.
- Promoting staff development
- Recycling
Both large global multinationals and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a critical role in driving positive change within society and in protecting the environment. We all have a responsibility to implement behavioural changes to make the world a better place! Wellity is totally committed to embracing the principles of CSR and encouraging the companies they work with to take the same approach.
Article by Ellie Caley
Business Psychologist at Wellity
2 https://www.pacificprime.com/blog/csr-employee-wellness.html
3 https://www.nbs.net/articles/engaging-employees-in-going-green
4 https://www.conecomm.com/research-blog/2016-employee-engagement-study