We’re aidie London, a multi award-winning British baby brand and proud ORB members!

As members of the UK Organisation for Responsible Businesses since we first launched, we’re proud to share the latest news from our journey towards responsible, sustainable business.
Earlier this month aidie London was accepted onto the United Nations’ Business Programme, working within the UN framework to meet sustainable development goals.
Successful business can be responsible business and we’re working hard to prove that.
Since our launch in 2018, our small business has won over 20 awards, been honoured at the House of Lords and named the UK’s Best Startup Business at an FSB event featuring the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Since day one, environmental sustainability has always been at the heart of what we do. (See are previous article for more details)
We are a luxury British baby brand who specialise in first walking shoes. Our infant footwear is the only footwear range in the world designed to actively enhance Cognitive and Neurological function in babies as they learn to walk. Endorsed by leading London Podiatrists and tested against our high standards, our footwear range is made from high-quality sustainable materials. In fact, every product we make, is crafted from natural, ethical and sustainable sources. We don’t use plastic in any of our products or packaging and we never have. All our packaging is biodegradable or recyclable.
Through our mission to create products that support babies during the early stages of development, we also wanted to create products that support the environment. To cement our commitment to environmental sustainability, we joined the Organisation for Responsible Businesses immediately after our launch and have remained committed to our focus on sustainability.
In the first week of 2020, we became part of the elite FastForward2030 movement, working alongside a group of businesses aligned with the UN’s sustainable development goals. That led on to us becoming part of the UN business programme.
At every step of our growth, whether in product design or expanding our business, sustainability has remained at the core of our business and indeed has opened new doors along the way.
We’re thrilled to have been given this opportunity and to be working alongside other dedicated members of the UN Business Programme. As a baby brand, it’s important that we help to preserve the planet and take care of it, the same way we take care of our babies. In essence, we’re protecting the planet our babies will grow up in. Environmental sustainability has always been at the core of our business and it’s important to us that we lead the way in helping to stem the climate crisis before it’s too late. We hope others will follow suit and that we start to see a real shift in the retail industry regarding the use of plastics and non-sustainable materials.

About the UN Business Programme
The UN Business Programme sees international businesses joining forces, working through the UN framework to meet their 17 outlined sustainable development goals. Working alongside elite sustainable businesses will help us to initiate change in the nursery retail industry, through greater transparency for consumers and a demonstration to others in our industry that success and sustainability can go hand in hand. The retail industry plays a significant role in the production of excessive plastic waste through single-use plastics in both products and packaging. We hope to illustrate the possibilities open to others while avoiding non-sustainable materials in the production line. Small changes can go a long way towards altering the landscape of our industry and the impact it has on our environment.
The UN Business Programme enables us to offer our customers a high level of transparency and hopefully an incentive for others to follow suit in reducing or eliminating their use of non-sustainable materials.
Launched in 2015 by the United Nations general assembly, the scheme oversees the work of a select few business organisations who are committed to working towards meeting the UN’s outlined sustainable development goals (SDGs). Designed as a blueprint to achieve a ‘better, more sustainable future’, the 17 SDGs range from issues of environment to gender equality. The target for achieving these goals is 2030, as outlined in the UN resolution. Each of the 17 goals features a list of targets, measured by SDG trackers – indicators for development and progress.

My name’s Seffie & I launched aidie London in March 2018. A few years earlier, when my son was a baby learning to walk, I realised there were no shoes that supported his early development. I could only find hard, structured shoes. With a background in Psychology, I incorporated my knowledge and set about designing a pair of shoes that would mimic barefoot walking and therefore enhance his opportunity for optimal development. That’s when aidie London was born.
Well done, Seffie. We are incredibly proud of aidie London’s success and equally proud that the company has been a member of ORB since you launched
But on the back of International Women’s Day, I think an extra special call-out is in order for you, personally.
What you have achieved in only two years is incredible. You have built such a fabulous company with unique products to support a baby’s development, and you have done this on your own as a single mum of a toddler.
Most importantly, you set an ethos from day one and have stood by that even when it has been challenging. Many others, under such circumstances, may have opted for the ‘easier’ route.
We need more business people like you – men and women – in order to make this world a better place.
Thank you, Seffie. You are an inspirational lady. xx