Imagine its spring. It’s getting warmer, the sun is shining more often and there are so many green shoots appearing. Imagine how they are going to look when they are in full bloom!

Spring: a wonderful time of renewal and excitement for all that’s ahead of us.


Well, for the team at ORB, spring has arrived early!

ORB has had an unusually long autumn and winter, retreating into our shell somewhat in readiness for the right time to move forward with new vigour.


It’s a new decade, one in which people and organisations are waking up to the need of doing things differently. Business as usual is just not on option and Social Value is high on the agenda.



And we have a brand-new website. A new ‘shop window’ in place ready to showcase our movement and drive forward a change in the way business operate. It’s all systems go, go, go!!

We haven’t changed Our Vision or Our Mission but, I hope you will agree, the message is clearer.

And now we have our shop front in place, we’ll be campaigning with new vigour to create awareness of the need to, and the benefits of, operating responsibly.

For our existing members, we’ll be asking you to help us help you.

  • Is your directory profile comprehensive and up to date?
  • Are you using your ORB member logo on your emails and website?
  • Are you providing us with articles and/or letting us know when you have any achievements you would like us to share?
  • And are you following and engaging with us on social media.

Many of you will know of the Buy Social campaign led by Social Enterprise UK. We believe that buying social also means buying from socially responsible businesses regardless of whether or not they are social enterprises. So, let’s encourage Buy Social, but with a somewhat broader and more appropriate remit.

Do please give us the ammunition so we can drive the message forward.

And of course, we will be approaching a new membership drive with equal vigour.

Do you think any of your customers or suppliers fit our responsible business criterion? If so, perhaps you’ll encourage them to consider membership?

Considering membership?

And for anyone thinking of becoming a member, we look forward to speaking with you. Because, unlike most other membership organisations, we do have a light vetting process in place and always have a chat with new applicants before membership is approved.

But please do remember, membership of ORB is about being part of a movement. There are plenty of reasons to join although we hope you are joining because you want to contribute to our purpose rather than the ubiquitous ‘what’s in it for me’ approach.

As membership starts from only £35 per annum or £10 per quarter, it is affordable for virtually every business. So, if you would like to proudly promote your ethical and responsible approach to business, why not start the membership application process now!

Corporate Supporters

We are also looking for corporate supporters, so if you have any appropriate contacts you could put us in touch with, we would be most appreciative.

Do please get in touch, whether you are existing members or not, if you have any thoughts, comments or suggestions.

Photo by Kristine Cinate on Unsplash