I am occasionally accused of being a little bit like a broken-record when it comes to talking about how easy it is to make simple and small changes to one’s SME business that can have a hugely impactful difference to the planet!
Sorry, but I’m not sorry! I make no apology for my repetition of this key point.
Because I believe that it is the small-steps, done on a regular basis, that each one of us can take towards greater responsibility in our businesses that will ultimately transform society’s thoughts as to what ‘value’ business should build.
Not just shareholder value (although that is certainly important!) but value to the communities that our businesses operate in, to the environment that our businesses utilise and to the people whose hard-work allow our businesses to perform.
So, when I find an organisation that is also working hard at pushing this message in a similar broken-record ‘stylee’ then I am very keen to signpost people towards them.
And one such organisation is thirdbridge, who are an online network for companies, charities and individuals that wish to form partnerships to collaborate and solve social issues together.
Frankly they had me at their strapline: “making it easier for you to do good”. Perfect!
What I love most about thirdbridge is their deeply pragmatic approach – a perfect example of this is their blog called “8 ways small companies can partner with charities for mutual benefit”. It is packed with sensible and achievable ideas and examples for how you could get your business involved in a bigger cause and see your reputation benefit off the back of it.
I hope you’ll visit the guys at thirdbridge and sign-up to their ideas and ethos – and if you do, please let us, here at ORB, know how you get on!